Domus.Cad 23.00.12 – Optimised for users

After a series of versions featuring the addition of important features, such as layer management, automatic frames, PDF file conversion, advanced DWG-DXF management and more, this version of Domus.Cad is characterised by a long work of optimisations and improvements of what has been done so far. This work has also been done thanks to our…

New DigiCad 3D with PDF conversion and image drilling

The version 23.0.1 of DigiCad 3D has been released which, among the various improvements, includes two very important functions, the conversion of PDFs into vector drawings, documents, graphics, etc., and the cropping of images, both for drilling and for cutting.   Remember that DigiCad 3D is an aerial, terrestrial and cartographic photogrammetry program. PDF Conversion…