The new features of DigiCad 3D 25

DigiCad 3D, a software for aerial and ground photogrammetry and cartography, has reached version 25. Let’s see what’s new. nspector panel The inspection panel has been modified and other controls have been added. Transparency The transparency slider allows you to change the transparency of selected elements. If there are selected elements, their transparency is changed…

The stratigraphies in Domus.Cad

Stratigraphies describe the composition of a wall, floor or roof, dividing it into components, i.e. strata.   The strata Through the Strata command from the Modify menu, the dialogue window for defining the preferred strata opens. Each stratum is defined by a series of descriptive, graphical and numerical parameters: The name of the stratum The 3D material The color and the…

Domus.Cad Pro 22.02 – Differences From 22.0.1

Undo-Redo management Until the previous version, the number of Undo-Redo operations was unlimited, i.e. it was possible to undo and eventually redo an indefinite number of operations. Each operation is kept in memory to be subsequently cancelled, this for complex projects can lead, as the work proceeds, to a memory occupation which can slow down…

50% start-up-discount on software

Most software manufacturers – and some hardware ones, too – offer what is known in the trade as “education prices” to students, teachers and educational establishments. We at Interstudio, for many years now, have offered integral versions of our programs (updates and technical support included) to the world of education, at what is effectively “cost-price”.…