Domus.Cad Pro – Design without compromise

Domus.Cad ProThe new version of Domus.Cad is out – and it’s called Domus.Cad Pro.

No more numbers – we had reached version 16 – we’re starting at 1 of Domus.Cad Pro, where Pro stands for Professional, as opposed to the version Std (Standard), also being released.

Lots of new features that make Domus.Cad increasingly the best professional architecture and parametric program for architects worldwide.

DigiCad 3D 9 – The latest in photogrammetry

Interstudio has released DigiCad 3D 9 for Mac Os X. The Windows version will be out soon. The new version contains lots of new features, including: New algorithms for transforming images, for image rectification and irregular surfaces, too. Not only have we made the function much faster, it is also more accurate outside of attach…

CAD for Mac

The evolution of CAD on Macintosh


When the first Macintosh 128 K came out in 1984, it had 3 programs, each of which – in their own way – were the basis for generations of other programs, many of which are commonly used today.

These programs were MacWrite, MacPaint and MacDraw (for vectorial drawing).

All three used the new graphic user interface and a new pointing device called a “mouse”. Also, they were WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) – what you see on the monitor is what comes out when printed.

Nowadays this seems normal, but then, it wasn’t. In fact, even today many CAD users, particularly AutoCad™, do not adopt this philosophy, and the video and print versions of the drawing are completely different.

MacWrite was the prototype of all word processing software that followed, including Microsoft Word, whose first version was created on Macintosh.