Domus.Cad 24.2 – New functions

  The version 24.2 of Domus.Cad Pro and Std, architectural BIM program by Interstudio, has been released. Some new features include the animation of sunlight, both during the day and throughout the year, the management of elevations, sections and hybrid raster and vector views, The transformation into images of clouds of points and parts of…


Irene Chirico in the Cloud

  Irene Chirico held a formative curricular internship at Interstudio where she deepened the techniques of treatment of points clouds. The internship is part of the 3D Data Processing and Collection course, carried out by IED, Istituto Europeo di Design Spa, in collaboration with Regione Toscana. The internship was carried out using the Domus.Cad BIM…


How to try Domus.Cad

Now any software is downloadable for free from the Internet and can be tried without any commitment, to see if it meets expectations. But is it easy to try a program well? The problem of experts A CAD expert can be a user who knows well one or more CAD programs, which he used professionally.…


Digicad 3D 24 – What’s new?

DigiCad 3D is a program of aerial and terrestrial photogrammetry and cartography. Version 24 focuses on the treatment of images, in order to make all procedures more effective, both with regard to architectural photos, as well as satellite, aerial and map photos. Let’s briefly describe the most interesting functions. Brightness and contrast The procedure of…


Domus.Cad 23.00.12 – Optimised for users

After a series of versions featuring the addition of important features, such as layer management, automatic frames, PDF file conversion, advanced DWG-DXF management and more, this version of Domus.Cad is characterised by a long work of optimisations and improvements of what has been done so far. This work has also been done thanks to our…


New DigiCad 3D with PDF conversion and image drilling

The version 23.0.1 of DigiCad 3D has been released which, among the various improvements, includes two very important functions, the conversion of PDFs into vector drawings, documents, graphics, etc., and the cropping of images, both for drilling and for cutting.   Remember that DigiCad 3D is an aerial, terrestrial and cartographic photogrammetry program. PDF Conversion…


Digicad 3D 23 – The new version

Also for DigiCad 3D the numbering of the versions changes, which, as already done with Domus.Cad, it is based on the year of release of the version, in this case 2023. All the versions released during the year will be numbered 23.01 , 23.02 etc. PDF import Importing images also imports documents in PDF format.…


The stratigraphies in Domus.Cad

Stratigraphies describe the composition of a wall, floor or roof, dividing it into components, i.e. strata.   The strata Through the Strata command from the Modify menu, the dialogue window for defining the preferred strata opens. Each stratum is defined by a series of descriptive, graphical and numerical parameters: The name of the stratum The 3D material The color and the…
