DigiCad 3D is already well-known as a state-of-the-art program for the photogrammetry and cartography sectors. Now it is offers some brilliant new functions for working with photographic images.
Digital cameras are now widely used in architectural photogrammetry. Unfortunately their big advantages (speed and ease of use) are often outweighed by the disadvantage of their not-very-wide-angle and their zoom’s optical distortion when in wide-angle mode.
Nikon CoolPix 7600
HP R707
Previous versions of DigiCad 3D contained a unique function for eliminating optical distortion – using a procedure, however, which was rather slow and unwieldy.
Version 8.5 contains new simplified procedures which allow you to correct and calibrate various types of lens, while registering their parameters in an internal database, for rapid retrieval.
For highly complex cases, of course, you can still use the procedure from Version 8.0.
Other new functions concern:
- Grouping raster and vectorial images in one single complex image
- Deformation
- Rotation
- Changing transparency, number of colors, resolution
DigiCad 8.5 for Mac Os X is on the shelf. The Windows version will be available very soon.
Download a Free Time Limited version for Windows!
Download a Free Time Limited version for Mac Os X!